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Production designer, art director, set designer and researcher from Acopiara/CE, Brazil, living in Fortaleza/CE and Sao Paulo/SP, both in Brazil. Graduated in film and audiovisual from Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR). In Berlin, she was selected for Berlinale Talents 2023 program, from Berlin International Film Festival as part of the Production Design Studio. She is a member of B.R.A.D.A -  a collective of female art directors from Brazil, and of Production Designers Collective. In 2020 and 2021, at the invitation of UNIFOR, she taught Art Direction for Film and Audiovisual undergraduates.


In movies, she signs the production design and art direction of the feature films A Noite Amarela (The Yellow Night), by Ramon Porto Mota (Rotterdam Festival, 2019); Cabeça de Nêgo (A Bruddah's Mind), by Déo Cardoso (Curitiba Festival, 2020); Com os Punhos Cerrados (With Clenched Fists), by Ricardo Pretti, Luiz Pretti and Pedro Diógenes (LOCARNO FILM FESTIVAL 2014), A Vida São Dois Dias (Life Lasts Two Days), by Leonardo Mouramateus (FID MARSEILLE 2022), O Estranho (The Intrusion), by Flora Dias and Juruna Malon (BERLINALE 2023), e A Flor do Buriti (CROWRÃ - The Buriti Flower), by Renee Nader and João Salaviza, winner of the Un Certain Regard Prize ENSEMBLE PRIZE at FESTIVAL DE CANNES 2023). For streaming platforms, she signed the production design and art direction of the movies Alice no Mundo da Internet (Alice in the Internet World) and Como Hackear seu Chefe (How to Hack your Boss) both directed by Fabricio Bittar, NETFLIX productions. She also signed the production design and art direction of the projects invited by the 32nd and 33rd Bienal de São Paulo, respectively, Os Humores Artificiais (The Artificial Humors), by Gabriel Abrantes (BERLINALE 2019) and O Ensaio (The Rehearsal), by Tamar Guimarães (BERLINALE 2020). Among movies still in progress and unpublished, Dayse signed the production design and art direction of Fetiche (Fetish), by Heitor Dhalia, O outro lado do Céu (The Other Side of the Sky), by Gabriel Mascaro and Edificante (Edifying), by Marcelo Lordelo.


Besides feature filmes, Dayse signed the production design and art direction of several short films, such as Chão de Fábrica (Launch Break), by Nina Kopko (best short film at FESTIVAL DE HAVANA 2022), Plano Controle (Control Plan), by Juliana Antunes (best short film at MAR DEL PLATA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2019), of the awarded short movies by director Leonardo Mouramateus: Lição de Esqui/Ski Lessons (best short film at FESTIVAL DE BRASÍLIA DO CINEMA BRASILEIRO 2013), História de uma Pena/Story of a feather (LOCARNO FILM FESTIVAL 2016), A Festa e os Cães/The Party and The Barking (Prix du Court Métrage CINÉMA DU RÉEL 2015)


In television, she signs the production design and art direction of the teenage comedy series Lana&Carol, from telefilme to Globoplay; O Natal de Rita (Rita’s Christmas) and the unaired series Delegado, directed by Leonardo Lacca and Marcelo Lordello, in progress.


As costume designer, Dayse signed work in the movies Greice (ROTTERDAM FILM FESTIVAL 2024), by Leonardo Mouramateus, Receba! (Take it!), by Pedro Perazzo and Rodrigo Luna (PANORAMA INTERNACIONAL COISA DE CINEMA 2021) and A Flor do Buriti (Buriti’s flower), by Renee Nader and João Salaviza.


She participated in the art department of several feature films, among the directors are Karim Aïnouz, Juliana Rojas, Clarissa Campolina, Gabriela Amaral Almeida, Sérgio Borges, Bruno Safadi, Ricardo Alves Jr, Ivo Lopes Araújo, Marcos Pimentel, etc.

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Sketch for the film The Yellow Night

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Sketch for the film The Intrusion

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Sketch for the film The Other Side of the Sky

Copyright © 2024 Dayse Barreto

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